we went, H and I (who was off school, sick, but was so enthusiastic about what we were to do that he wanted to come) and made the first fire of the year. He was not impressed in the end "Fail, fail" (too much newspaper and dried, old weeds and not enough big sticks) but it went better than last time's when everything was so damp.
I planted out the red onions which have been sitting on a windowsill, in their toilet roll pots of compost, growing unspeakably fast as if they needed to reach the sun by Easter. In between the rows, I planted carrot seed, as advised by YouTube star, Claire's allotments. The carrot flies hate the smell of onions and vice versa is the reasoning behind it. There's not going to be any flies though if the rain doesn't arrive and nothing has moisture in its stalks in order to poke up through the soil. I just had a bit of water left in some buckets that had melted snow in to water the seeds; the water doesn't get switched on until sometime in mid-late April. The council assumes it'll rain before then, well this ain't Sheffield, it rains as often as it snows: very occasionally!
S's work experience has been a positive thing. He's not had to make tea for everyone nor clean the loos and best of all, not been left to twiddle his thumbs as they have had lots of relevant things for his abilities. Who wouldn't like to press those beepy scanners and announce you owe 26 kronor in fines? I think a major 'learning attainment' is an increase in confidence. They had to arrange everything themselves, and S, mashaAllah did all the approaching and talking. Many of his friends ended up in relative's businesses. He would've liked something relevant to his possible future as a Doctor, but Hospitals couldn't provide anything, nor the Chemists, but this is understandable. Funnily, shops have restrictions on under 18's handling payments at the tills, but this doesn't seem to be an issue at the library. I suppose £50 fines or £25 on photocopies would just not happen!
He has his last work experience day tomorrow. It's zoomed past. In fact he was ill on Monday, the day his teacher had come to 'inspect'. S had diligently tried to inform the library staff of his illness, and they finally answered the phone by about 1:30 pm. I was considering walking down there and telling them. Somehow perversely, it's reminding me of the time I was in the doctor's trying to book an appointment, and was told I had to phone their booking line. I would've phoned them, there and then, glaring at them in front of me as they answered my call, if I'd have enough money on my mobile phone.
Anyhow, they're quite laid-back down the library, and S would like to work there as a summer job. Abundant computers (plus, maybe, the presence of books) does make it an attractive workplace for a teenage boy.
He served our neighbour yesterday and now we know he's the man to ask about Apple computers as he purchased all the back issues of the relevant magazine.
Chemistry Book
12 years ago