So here they are...
As I was making something for supper I was umming and erring whether to suggest we get the paints out to make use of the cut off ends of aubergines, onions etc. I remember S did some lovely prints using onions at his nursery in the UK, and so thought Biryani would like a try. In the end she used them as a form of large paint brush, but that was fine. Colours are still a popular theme with her now anyway, and we had colour everywhere by the end of it..
Post-operative rabbit (courtesy of S), being measured up for a shirt (by M).
Patterns and pins...
and the end result.
Poster paints out twice in one month, am I insane? Biryani has a thing about clowns. She thinks Hz is one (he was wearing a red sleepsuit, or maybe its his nose) ,
and any red clothes mean you are a circus performer extrordinaire.
So here is a red nose being made from an eggbox (don't ring Blue Peter recruitment up yet..)
Which was attached to young'uns noses with some elastic round the head. Needless to say it only lasted a day or so. But getting red paint everywhere, that's the best bit isn't it Mum?
Besides the kitchen becoming an art room, S has started javelin lessons and did a bit of shot putting too.