but I've been making excuses as I can't access the photos I've taken recently. DH has done something to the computer (formatted?) so that he has had to reinstall programs which includes the photo editor. So here is one pic, pre-computer-probs: Hz in February
after some fun with Aba's pile of routers.
Life continues in a blur which is why I need my photos to remind me of things.
Err, Hz stood up for about 10 seconds a couple of days ago.
M commissioned S to write out a few mini 'books' for him the other day. They were mini in that they were about the size of a broadsheet newspaper for a lego man, and each had only 2 or 3 sentences in. But this was a self-initiated writing exercise with a bit of cooperation thrown in, as M dictated the stories for Suhayb to write out. Titles ranged from 'Rabbits' to 'Side-kicks'.
Some examples of spellings: S careful- carefull
vehicle- veichle
M had written some titles himself and his spelling also requies a bit more deciphering:
scissors - sizers
near - neer
However considering how little direct English work I do with them, I'm not (too) worried. I'm thinking M can get a bit up to speed when I start something (inshaAllah) with H.
Anyhow school is supposed to be teaching English as well, M has an equivalent of SATS next year in it.
Today it was one of M's friends over, trip to the library (with my usual rant 'We haven't come to the library to go on the computer) and supermarket.
Planted the tomato seeds out into bigger pots. I'm trying cherry tomatoes this year as they have a better chance of ripening inshAllah. I generally tidied up the balcony and it was a nice feeling to see one part of our abode looking neat and tidy, and in quite a short space of time to boot. The daffodils are out and the leaves are just starting to sprout throughout the park, I think a little later than the UK.
We went to a viewing of a flat to rent yesterday, but we are number 6 in the queue so it's unlikely we'd get it. It was very beautiful with 4 bedrooms, but the rent is a bit steep. This feeling of being in limbo is difficult, but I try to remind myself about being in this world as a traveller...