Friday, March 16, 2012

Gardening has begun

So far, in order of sowing: leeks, tomatoes, parsley, lettuce, Jerusalem artichokes (I'm daring to plant them this year as they are hard to get rid of, apparently. But they are next to the mint and strawberries so I think they'll have a fight on their hands!).
I wish I had some photos, but it's been so long since I've used the proper camera that it'll take me ages to upload anything (I'd have to locate said camera first!).
I've also treated myself to some mini daffodils which look much like the pic at the top, except they're in a blue IKEA lemon squeezer pot,  which turn out to be Sweden's national colours!

As for the other growing beings in my house, things are plodding along nicely. Hz does his best to avoid going to the childminders, despite having much fun when he does go there. S and M continue to swim twice a week, and H is asking to start football...

1 comment:

Judy Adamson said...

Good Luck with the artichokes - they are fiddly to prepare but make wonderful soup!