Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Pincer skills just a bit too good

I've finally mangaged to get them into bed at a reasonable hour for the first time in ages, so I have some time and a bit of energy to write this.
Well last Sunday saw a trip to the acute department for young H. He's recently found his finger fits up his nose, and instead of the usual extractions, he found picking up peas and inserting them more interesting. I had managed to get two out, and only after a phone call with my mum, talking about boys ending up in casualty for a variety of reasons (including peas up noses), that I decided to recheck his nostrils before putting him to bed. There it was the third pea, much brighter green than anything that should have been there. So I rang the advice line and they said I had to take him to the A and E department. Dubiously I left and AlHamduLillah my mother in law could stay with the other two who were asleep ( husband still in sunny Singapore). I say dubious as H was in A and E last summer on a Sunday night due to a suspect rash, which meant a long, long wait. Anyway this time they were not busy so there was hardly any wait and H had fallen asleep in the car on the way. Then a nice Spanish doctor had to wake him up in a very unpleasant way by sticking a metal stick with a hook on the end to get the pea out. Unsurprisingly H was none too pleased about this ! The accompanying Swedish nurse was quite surprised at the pea as it was not like typical Swedish ones (relatively big). It was actually from a packet from the Muslim supermarket we go to, and the doctor said peas were also like that in Spain. I couldn't believe the nurse had never seen a petits pois before ! Anyway I've got some Swedish ones now which I think won't fit in the nostrils (yet). She was also surprised he'd got three up there (as was I). The lesson is also to be learned that these sort of foods (well actually all food) requires supervision at all times ! I had given him the peas to keep him busy while I served the other two's food ! I was pleased that they had been eaten up so well, but not as many had gone into his stomach as I had thought !
Generally I'm pleased at S's reading progress. He's doing the Peter and Jane at the moment, which I think he finds a bit boring, but he likes the achievement of reading a whole book with hardly any help. He didn't like today's book, which was telling him what he likes ('You like the dog, you like Jane '- oh not girls that cannot be true !)
M annoyed S the other day by recognising the word 'ball' before S got round to reading it.
S not particularly happy going to school still, but I can see why as when I drop him off it is usually the first playtime and some of the older boys taunted him, obviously not so clever to do it in front of me. I gave the boy a piece of my mind (in English but I think he got the message, and I managed to tell him to apologise in Swedish, which he did). I felt a little bad as the supervising assistant then went and told him off aswell. S. reacts intensively to any sort of comment and the children have learnt this. Unfortunately a friend he seems to have at the moment was off today (due to a cactus having pricked his finger according to S) who I was pleased S was happy to play with.

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